I have found that as often as I say “I don’t have time”, I do. I’m simply choosing to consume a lot of that time whether it be headspace or actual space with things that do not matter like scrolling through my phone and checking notifications every 2 minutes. Is it worth it? If “life is but a vapor” is true then why I am wasting away time on things that do not bring me life?

I am learning that every season brings me the opportunity to choose. To choose who I will say yes to. To choose to be present in a moment with those I love instead of allowing my cell phone, my thoughts, or other distractions to take precedence. I’m coming back to the basics again, working on resting in the fact that I have a choice and that choice has been given to me through the sacrifice of my Savior.

Have you ever thought about how powerful choice is and the fact that you get to exercise one each day? Do you find that as you read this you’ve been going through the motions or habits of doing things you don’t even really want to do or care about? I don’t think that God is looking for a perfect schedule or the best activities or awesome routines. He is simply looking for someone who will exercise their choice to connect with Him in a moment. To be present. To seek Him above all else. Knowing that I can’t help but ask you, what will you do with the life that is before you? What choices do you want to make? What do you need to lay down to live a present life?

Praying and thinking of you,
