God is stripping everything down to its roots.

Our world, our government, and every part of our lives. Everything that can be shaken, God is shaking. I think the biggest thing He wants to do in us, as His church, is help us to see that everything we need, is in Him. God has personally shown me much of what is in my own heart and I’ve gone through a deep humbling lately. One that I am still living out as I write this. I’m on this journey too, and I am learning a lot. Some of what I am learning is hard to hear but I need to hear it. I want to hear it from God. I want Him to tell me what is living in me that is, in essence, separating me from Him. Why? I want to be one with Him–this is what we were born for.

Some of the biggest things we fall into as Christians surrounds what we have.

Often we forget where our identity originated in the first place. Our job, our home, our clothes, our status have become more important than who God says we are. Therefore we become useless to the Kingdom because we are exactly like the world around us. God wants to bless us. What good father doesn’t want to bless His children? But are we only what we have? Have we become a people who is as good as the things they own? We were made for much more.

I want to challenge you today.

Look at your life. What is its fruit? Where have you taken your eyes off of God? If you really believe in the sacrifice Jesus made for your life and you want to live for Him, then you will have to remove the things that are causing you to live like the rest of the world. You will have to reset, repent and refocus and you will most certainly have to renew your mind. Because if your world is wrapped up in how you look, how much money you have and things, you are not living the life Jesus paid for and you do not look any different than the rest of the world. The way you live your life is your choice. But each of us will have to give an account.

Take it from someone who has lived in the world of “things and looks” to someone who walks with God.

One of these “ways of life” breeds death and hopelessness. The other one breeds life and right standing with God. So I pray today that this message awakens a fire in your bones and moves your feet towards God. I pray that you will see the Gods you’ve invited in and you will uproot them before they uproot you. I pray that you will repent and turn to God in a fresh way and see that walking with God is better than you could imagine or dream. You are worthy and He loves you. Come alive today.

For more, visit www.instagram.com/jessfaithtobler and follow me!

