What is holding you back?

I’ve lived pretty much my entire life not doing things all because of fear. Fear of what other people think, fear of failure, fear of the unknown…Fear. This past Christmas I asked God for my usual word of the year. Its something that a dear woman shared with me that she had done for many years and I was inspired. That was about 6 years ago and since then I have asked the Lord for an all-encompassing word and with joy, he has delivered. Each word has held special meanings that have been unveiled throughout the years and I have enjoyed watching, like a child, as God has surprised and blessed me and stayed with me over and over again.

This year though, I was a little taken back as I was hearing two words over the year 2020 and one of them was not my typically “sweet” word—“Cut out”. “What are we cutting out this year, Lord?” “Fear of man,” God said to me, and all in one motion I winced and sighed. I had been wanting this to go for as long as I remembered. I had tried not to let what others said or did cause me to choose another way or to respond differently than who God created me to be, but it was there. Like a thorn in my side and it was stealing from me. Do you know what I mean?

Have you ever been in this place of your life where you’ve personally started something you knew deep down you were supposed to do but you stopped because like me, maybe you didn’t get enough traction, or maybe someone said something that hurt you and knocked the wind out of you or maybe “it’s just not right”…. but really, its the very thing that you keep coming back to? It is the one thing that you wake up thinking about. Its the dream that is truly only possible with God. This is the thing that you know you are supposed to do but something keeps standing in the way. Fear of man. That’s what’s standing in the way.

This year, I’ve gone after it time and time again and I have found a lot of freedom. But still, I have more to go. So how, you might ask, how do you get rid of this fear? Prayer. Recognizing when it comes and not giving it air to breathe in me. Letting it go and listening to what God is saying. I know I’m not alone in this. I’ve talked to many of you out there who have said that you struggle with the same thing. How is it going for you this year? Have you attempted to make it hit the high road? Would you like to come on this journey with me? If so, drop your email in the “join the fam” form and I will be sharing my journey with you and would love for you to do the same. Let’s get rid of everything that has held us back from becoming all that God created us to be.


With love,


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